
Monday, April 9, 2012

Testing ASUS Extreme on Lap top

Extreme testing is often performed for a lap top to get conclusions about the quality and capability of a lap top. A lap top or notebook can be labeled resilient and reliable way to go through the stages of testing to be done. An unusual stage of testing should be done, the remedy to the conclusion of value. Usually these stages have relevance in daily use a lap top. Its outcome is a conclusion "durable and reliable," meaning that lap top is able to provide better performance in any condition.

Several stages of testing like this is done on a lap top ASUS;

Spin Test
The tests measure how well the spin is a lap top in a twist, especially when holding open the screen with one hand. Usually lap top screen will be flexible as akubat open and close the cover screen with one hand. In everyday screen will often have open and close so that it can affect the durability of the screen. Spin tests measure how well the lap top to protect against spin continued. This test is a way twist overall framework of the extreme degree.

The Shock Test
A stage of the test to be conducted on a lap top to shocks during shipping and everyday use, ASUS has done this test on all types that are produced. Lap top ASUS products must withstand harsh shock though. And it turns out ASUS has managed to do it, by modifying the appropriate body with resistance to shocks. It has the intention to protect the hard drive is frequently encountered problems while getting an extreme impact and shock.

Tests Hinges
Hinge of the monitor screen of a lap top is a weak point of the most critical of all types of portable computers. This is a potential weakness at all and often a major factor and the general destruction of a lap top for all brands. ASUS has done a series of dirty test and close the screen as much as 20,000 times to measure the strength of their lap top, and the result is very reliable.

Fall Tests
Tests conducted unyuk experienced a minor accident a lap top. This test will give a conclusion on how severe the damage suffered by a lap top when it had a little accident like the "fall". ASUS has done a series of trials and the result is just a little tiny scratches on the surface of the body, no potential damage to other critical components.

Pressure Tests
An LCD screen lap top for all brands have a fragile condition, needed protection with a strong cover. ASUS has ensured its products to protect against high pressure. ASUS ensure that every well-protected screen, by examining the design of the lid on a variety of high-pressure tests.

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