
Thursday, December 22, 2011


Segmentation is less clear from the vendor distributor makes consumer confusion lap top PC. Of the many types of processors up to the features offered by the vendors have almost common. . Explanation of the essence of a product tends to faint and give each headline about the advantages of the product. Though there are some points that distinguish between one product with another product.

There are tips that are effective in selecting a lap top with a reference segmentation as needed benefits to be received.

Segmentation is BASED on how lap top was able to produce quality output along with features that make it easier and convenient in computing. This segmentation is the environment around students, office staff, and professional.

The hallmark of the segment of productivity usually associated fittings components contained by a lap top, such as:

1. Main Components

  • The amount of RAM memory capacity options,
  •  Options Video Graphics RAM capacity scale (ability to accommodate the resolution of the image) and,
  •  Processor bandwidth capability

2. Supporting components 

Then proceed with due regard to the supporting components such as options;

    Capacity hardrive data capacity with data transfer speeds.

for example:
In choosing a hardrive capacity between the two options as below:

500GB 7200 Rotation per Minute or  500GB 5400 Rotation per Minute
"7200 rotation per minute is shown ability in reading the hard drive and retrieve data as many as 7200 rounds per minute to be sent to the RAM memory as requested by the processor, this will increase the effectiveness of the time, in other words with a 7200 RPM hard drive has the ability to read data more faster than 5400RPM hard drive. the weakness of the 7200 RPM hard drive is generating noise and overheating very quickly, needed exstra inside the CPU cooler. "
  • The speed and capacity DVD Rom
Choose between two options such as the ability DVD Dual Layer with BluRay or DVD rom ordinary
  • Completeness Connector
Selecting and determining a lap top that has a complete conektor contained in a lap top, for example conektor related to labor productivity such as USB 2.0/3.0, HUB, and Ethernet, etc..

Productivity is ideal in supporting the work of data entry, word processing, video editing, image editing, film editing. The essence of all that is all things related to a professional job, education, development, and research, and others.

By looking at the 2 things above already confirmed you will be able to choose the right product according to your everyday needs.

Furthermore, if you want to continue to the segmentation capabilities of a lap top from the entertainment side, things that need attention is the content conektor associated with the device conektor latest technology such as HDTV, video straming, etc..

Entertainment subject to segmentation will be discussed at the next post.

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