
Friday, September 16, 2011

VGA Card Shared Memory

Shared memoryVirtual Grafic Aray ( VGA) Card
Technical sense of the VGA card memory area which is to say with the phrase "Grafic with up to 1784MB shared memory" has the sense that the memory on a memory card for 1784 comes from the RAM allocated to video card requirements. That means that you belong to any VGA contained in the motherboard. To find out how the rest of it in will be used for RAM. in less with the pieces of RAM you have. If you have 2 pieces with each piece is 2 GB, then the rest is just cut from 40.000 to 1784 = 38.216's remaining memory would you wear.

Its another thing if you buy another VGA card has its own RAM inside the circuit. It will not reduce the memory in the RAM / DDR / SDRAM. In general, today usually vendors always provide features VGA card on board. If you are a drafter, architecture, gamer, or field work that is always associated with the visual that require high color resolution recommended to buy a separate memory card from the mainboard, especially for products motherboards support Intel and AMD. For the Apple now has not been providing special features for assembling a computer.

To integrate the VGA card can be seen in its manual, there you will be guided by a schematic drawing for memidahkan or removing jumpers aktive mode or non aktive VGA on Board. Note also the voltage, You have to buy a VGA card according to the voltage of the motherboard, VGA card to prevent burning due to excess voltage.

VGA Video Card Recommendation for Gamers, architectural, graphic design.

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